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6 vehicles were headed east (left to right), the red truck was headed west.

This is the post-collision location of the involved vehicles. 

The red truck drifted left of center and forced a gray car to swerve into the next lane for crash 1...

...the red truck hit another eastbound car...

Another vehicle was struck before it could move out of the way.

Finally, an eastbound motorcycle, skidding long enough to lose most of its speed, slid into the rear of the red truck, as the truck was coming to a stop.

...then another eastbound car, identical to the car that was just hit. That car collided with a gray truck in the next lane.

The crash occurred during a period when traffic was congested, but still moving at over 55 MPH. Traffic stopping to turn is also expected here. The right-hand curve and congestion, may have limited the time for following traffic to see what was really happening ahead, until the vehicles directly in front of them were involved. 

Reconstruction, is rebuilding the sequence of events from facts and evidence, using science, technology, math and experience.

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