What info is needed for a Reconstruction?
This is a short list of important items that need to be gathered early due to their potential for destruction.
Video of the incident is always helpful, even the distant cameras that may have only captured the approach to the scene. The best format is exported directly from the surveillance system DVR to a USB drive, with the "player" software included. Some of these systems overwrite their recorded video in just 7-14 days!
Any and all photos are needed. PDF, or paper copies have a fraction of the detail found in the original "digital" version, which may be available for a brief period of time!
The cell phone pictures taken by the drivers and passengers are important!
The in-car/ dash-cam and body-worn-camera videos may have captured valuable evidence as the officers approached and moved through the scene. These videos are usually not retained for more than a few weeks, or months.
911 calls and the CAD/ dispatch reports may lead to otherwise, unknown witnesses.
SCENE EVIDENCE is often overlooked, not photographed, hidden by fire trucks on the night of the crash and sometimes paved over, shortly after the crash occurred (happens more than you can imagine). Having the opportunity to photograph the scene, check for video and grab a few measurements is a quick task that guarantees better results, months later, when the need for a full reconstruction arises.